Thursday, April 12, 2018

Judah - 2 Months

Judah made 2 months old about a week ago.  It seems like he's been a part of the family for so much longer and he is growing so fast!  He sleeps better at night and has a more consistent nap schedule during the day.  He fusses less and smiles and coos more often.  Just lately, he has been smiling with his tongue out and it is the goofiest, most precious expression ever!  I have yet to catch it on camera.  He now weighs 11 pounds, can hold up his head for a significant amount of time and will support his weight with his legs in a standing position.  He loves watching his brother and is most happy when being held upright and in a position where he can check out all the toddler action.  I can't decide if he looks more like Jackson or Bryan as a baby??

The Big Boy Life

I don't know if it's having a 2 month old around or that Jackson is just maturing before our very eyes, but he is becoming such a big boy!!  It is a joy to watch, but also makes this momma sad to think that my little baby isn't so little anymore.  

Mommy's lunch date!  He even got to sit in the big boy chair!

Jackson wants to play with his little brother SO bad!  He just doesn't understand why Judah won't hold his cars and make vroom sounds.  So, he settles for playing with Boosie!!  Boosie doesn't cry and doesn't require absolute gentleness.

Now that the cold weather is behind us, Jackson and I have been spending lots of time in the yard.  He has been my little buddy and while Judah naps, Jackson helps Mommy weed, mulch and plant flowers.  I realized he was paying more attention to what I was doing when he 'unplanted' my mexican heather plant and brought it to me and then shoveled all the dirt from the strawberry container with his beach shovel.  We had to have a little chat about plant care. But more often than not, he gardens with his play bulldozer. 

Here he is with his favorite flower!

Jackson was recently blessed with several fun new toys from a neighbor boy.  He has been having a blast!  A log cabin/play house, basketball hoop, table, batman helicopter and bike were among the more notable additions.  Let's just say he gets a bath almost every night these days.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Judah's First Beach Trip

Bryan had the day off, so we loaded up the boys and took them to the beach for a fun and relaxing day!  The water was still very cold from the winter, but the temperature out on the sand was nearly perfect!!  Jackson loved playing in the sand!  He was obsessed with digging using his shovel, but his favorite thing to do, was bulldozing the sandcastles Mommy and Daddy made!!  Judah on the other hand pretty much slept in the tent the whole time.  I can't say I blame him; a beach breeze and the sound of the crashing waves make the perfect setting for a wonderful nap!


On Saturday, we took Jackson to the neighborhood egg hunt; complete with a life-sized Easter Bunny.  He eventually caught on to how the egg hunt worked, but at first he was more concerned with the color of each egg and telling us that he sees an egg.   

We took the boys out into the backyard to get some Easter pictures with their eggs...Judah was not into it whatsoever...This was the only picture with him not crying.

Jackson did okay for a few minutes and then got distracted by Boosie.  All he wanted to do was play ball with Boosie and there was no getting his focus back after that.