Friday, July 13, 2018

Jackson's 2nd Birthday

We cannot believe that our baby boy is already 2 years old!!  On Sunday we had a party for him at the house and he had a great time!  It was mostly adults, but his best friend was there and they just had a blast together; swimming, blowing bubbles, drawing on the chalkboard, playing with toys, etc.  He was a little unsure of everyone staring at him and singing, but he was all about the strawberry cake and especially all the cars bordering the cake!  He was blessed with so many wonderful toys and books that he tries to play with everything all at the same time and just bounces from one thing to the next!!  We are so grateful for friends and family that are so generous to our family and know our little Jackson so well.

Despite the time flying by so quickly since he was born, we often times forget that Jackson is only 2 because he is so mature for his age.  He handles situations so well and does well to communicate his thoughts.  It is very fun right now because he is really starting to string sentences together and use so many new words in perfect context.  He will frequently say things like, "Daddy play Jackson's room race cars."  or "Jackson eat "pamp-cakes" sausage please."  or "Jackson, Judah, Mommy, Dada, go car go beach play."  And when he is asked to come inside for dinner, "One more minute, please." He is also starting to really get good at using please, thank you and yes sir/yes ma'am.  

He loves playing with cars, trains and balls.  He loves learning about animals, sports, and reading books.  He is perfectly content to be outside or in any sort of water (bath, pool, ocean).  He is really good at finding details in pictures, doing puzzles and games, counting(1-10), his colors and throwing balls.  He is very particular about his things and is extremely orderly and exact in his play.  For example, his cars have to be perfectly spaced apart and all facing forward as they are perfectly lined up along the edge of the rug.  Even his Sunday School teachers comment on his precise and meticulous tendencies. He demands we roll up his sleeves when he eats and will call out "mess" and obsess over the drop or "fuzz" until it has been cleaned up.  

Now, all that goes out the window if he is playing outside.  He could be covered in dirt and bubble water and he is completely ignorant to the fact because he is focused on  a flower or a bug or pushing his bulldozer around the dirt track.    He is full of energy from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep at night.  In the next few months he will be starting to learn how to ride his bike and play tennis (just like Daddy). 

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