Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jackson - 2.5 Years

Our big boy is growing up!  Jackson is such a sweet, friendly and smart boy!!  He doesn't let anyone pass by without saying hello and is quick to show affection to friends and family.  He speaks exceptionally well and has a very extensive vocabulary.  He is great at solving problems and focusing on a specific task.  His favorite part of the day, apart from being outside, is his bin time.  Every day, he has a bin full of puzzles, educational books and learning activities.  He would do it all morning if I let him.  

He has really grown in his physical coordination over the past two months and can now jump, skip and climb.  He is finally able to reach the pedals on his bike, but doesn't quite have the coordination just yet.  He is also a great helper and especially loves to help mommy in the kitchen.  He has such a sensitive spirit as well and can easily detect if something doesn't seem right.  He'll ask me, "Mommy, what's wrong?"or will burst into tears if he thinks he made a "huge mess" (which is usually only a little bit of spilled water). He also has picked up on certain terms of endearment and now calls me, "lover," and wants to hold my hand just like Daddy.  

We have not fully jumped into the whole potty training thing just yet.  We were supposed to make a decent move in that direction at the start of the year, but we are getting off to a slower start than anticipated.  Meanwhile Jackson has hit a new phase where he likes to undress himself as a way to keep himself awake and get attention when he's supposed to be going to sleep.  Most times that just means that he hollers out, "Mommy, me unzip me tummy," which just means he's unzipped his pj's from neck to toes and his bare tummy is now exposed.  However, on occasion I don't hear his holler or he stays quiet and I look on the monitor to find a naked Jackson playing in his crib.  Luckily, we have only had two incidents with his diaper.  

He still loves all things, trucks, construction vehicles, trains, planes, helicopters, motorbikes...and more recently, monster trucks.  But most of all, he loves playing with all these things outside and in the dirt.  He also has gained an affinity for dinosaurs and is very curious about each dinosaurs name and physical attributes.  We are very excited for the spring when he gets to play in his dinosaur garden.  However, we have had to pass along his dinosaur nightlight to his brother as Jackson got a new lava lamp.  I'm not sure if he is starting to fear complete darkness or if he was just using the 20 minute timer on his dinosaur light as an excuse to have Bryan or I come into his room, but after several nights of Jackson staying up 3 hours past his bedtime yelling for us every 20 minutes, we quickly found an alternative. 

Jackson still eats well for the most part but we have certainly learned a few things about his eating preferences.  He has a prominent gag reflex, which seems to come out when he's eating such things as corn, sweet potatoes and spinach.  He also loves eating anything with dip.  His favorites are yellow sauce (chik-fil-a sauce) and white sauce (ranch).  And a few of his favorite foods are PB&J, baked potatoes (with the works), oranges, edamame, mac'n'cheese  and cheeseburgers.      

He is quick to  memorize words and pictures from his favorite books and can pretty much recite several of them verbatim.  This particular one we haven't read in 2 months and he still had it memorized.    

"God, You are my God, And I will follow you." - Pslams 63:1

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Brotherly Love

These two boys bring so much joy into our home!  We also have our hands full.  

Just this morning they were tag teaming me as I was by myself trying to get us ready for church while Bryan was at work.  Here I was attempting to apply some eye makeup while Jackson is standing on his step stool, smearing my eyeliner all over the sink and Judah furiously unravels the toilet paper all over the bathroom floor.  In general, the boys are very well behaved, but they have both recently launched into new levels of maneuverability and curiosity.  And they are fast!  

For the most part, they get along great...Jackson wants to be helpful and take care of his brother and Judah is content to follow along and observe what it looks like to be a little human.  However, they do have their moments where they want what the other person is playing with or they become protective of their space and toys.  In the last few days, this has changed from a verbal protest to a physical protest.  They have no problem just taking what they deem they should have.  What Jackson may have in stability and size, Judah makes up for with brute strength and speed.  It is sometimes difficult to know when to intervene and when to let them work it out on their own.  Clearly, safety can be a concern at times and teaching them to respect personal boundaries is important, but they also need to learn how to mediate their own play, too.  Sometimes the later can be quite comical...for instance, the other day, Jackson gently pushed Judah down to his bottom from a stand and then said, "Now Judah, you crawl away." or he'll tell me, "Mommy, put Judah down for a nap."  Other times, it can be frustrating...last night Jackson dumped a cup full of water on Judah's head while they were in the bathtub and apart from a momentary shocked expression, he just shook it off without response and kept on playing; while Judah splashes and gets a drop of water in Jackson's eye and Jackson will have a complete meltdown.            

Here are a few precious pictures we captured of them enjoying their time together:


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Years at the Zoo

We haven't been to the zoo in several months, so we took advantage of the day off and went to the zoo with our good friends, Josh and Sara!  Jackson got a new book from Gammie about all sorts of transportation vehicles.  There is a small critter called "Goldbug" that you can find in every page.  Jackson spent the entire 1.5 hour car ride to the zoo looking at all the cars and finding Goldbug.  With every turn of the page, he would say, "Where Goldbug now, Mommy?"  

Judah got so excited about the fish...he wouldn't stop smiling, jumping and dancing

Trying to swipe some goldfish!

And this was Jackson on the way home after our day at the zoo...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Christmas Presents (1 of 2)

Jackson hit the Christmas jackpot this year with so many fun new things.  We put away all of his old toys and he has been enjoying all the new things friends and family so generously gave to him.  Here are a few that we have managed to capture on camera...

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

Monster Trucks

Remote Control Car

Tonka Truck

Tee Ball Set