Saturday, September 29, 2018

Brotherly Love

Jackson and Judah are well on their way to being best buds, but not without the typical sibling jarring.  They are known to pull each other's hair, steal each other's toys and knock each other over on occasion, but they are the best of friends, as well.  Jackson is the first person Judah wants to see in the morning and will give up nursing just to catch a glimpse of his brother.  Jackson asks when Judah can wake up from his nap so that he can share an experience with him.  Jackson is also very considerate to make sure that Judah always has a toy to play along with; however, he is also quick to trade out those toys if he decides that he wants a turn with the toy Judah has.    

Jackson was "playing" football and thoughtfully decided that his bike helmet was close enough to a football helmet.  Naturally, he wanted Judah to play, too!  

Jackson makes this one particular face that always gets Mommy laughing because it's so silly.  He often tries to duplicate it because it makes Mommy happy.  "Me make Mommy laugh.  Mommy happy."

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