Friday, May 25, 2018


This past weekend, we took a trip to Aiken, SC for Bryan's team to play in the State Tennis Tournament.  Congrats to Daddy and his team for taking first place!!  Jackson's highlight for the trip was the pool at our Airbnb.  The cool water did not phase him and he wanted nothing more than to be in the water.  He wasn't too sure about swimming with the floaties out in open water, but he loved playing on the steps.  He did get his face wet a few times and it startled him only for a brief moment before engaging back in his pool fun!

One other major deal for Jackson was getting to sleep in a big bed for the first time on this trip.  We were a little unsure, but only have one pack'n'play for the road and the second bedroom in our place had a queen sized bed against the wall.  We created a pillow barricade around the open sides of the bed, hoping that would keep our quite active sleeper contained.  It did it's job while he slept, but despite the tall bed, it didn't not keep us from hearing the pitter-patter of little feet running through the house during the wee hours of the morning!  We were very glad to get home to a contained sleeping arrangement at home...I don't think Mom and Dad are ready for that kind of change yet!

Judah - 3 Months

Yes, this blog is slightly late and most of these pictures are from 3 1/2 months, but none the are a few fun things about our little man, Judah.

Judah is very opinionated.  He is either very happy or very not and he has no problem letting you know.  As he has gotten older, the general fussiness seems to have declined, but he has no problem letting some wailing out if he is bored, wants a different positions, feels he's being neglected or is ready to eat.  He also has these moods.  Sometimes he wants to be held and nothing will distract him from that human interaction and other times he is perfectly content to be left alone with his toys for a good chunk of time.  If he is being held, but wants down, he will kick is legs and try to throw his body off your lap.  His favorite past time, without fail, is to watch his brother.  The feeling is mutual, though, and Jackson is quick to announce every time Judah spits up, poots, is being held too long, nurses or bites his toys/fingers.

Judah has a very strong core and legs and can now play in less supportive positions...hence the swings and bumbo.  He sleeps much better away from home than Jackson ever did and only wakes up once or twice at night.  


Jackson is really maturing before our very eyes.  It seems that we blinked and all the sudden he is more coordinated, says any and every word he's ever heard, more energetic and as busy as ever!  One of the things he has recently taken to is coloring!  It doesn't matter if its crayons, markers, ink pens or sidewalk chalk...he is all about it!!  One day earlier this week, he managed to find where I had stashed 5 different sets of colors.  He went straight for them as if he knew all of my hiding places.  Luckily, so far he has been very responsible with the colors and hasn't ruined anything or caused any major mess.  Locks and Height are my only advantage now!

Now that he's getting a little older, we try to incorporate something creative into his learning time.  Since we have really been doing lots with colors, we pulled out the paint to make some lovingly-made works of art for our family members afar!  He has asked to paint every day since!

Another big hit in the world of Jackson lately, although not new, is his train set.  We literally have not gone a single day in the past two weeks where the first thing he does in the morning is to pull out the trains, tracks and all the accessories.  Whoever gets him up in the morning gets a squeal of delight, BAM! his feet hit the floor and before you can turn his blinds, you hear a big crash behind you..."Dump!  Trains!  Momma/Dadda sit!"  Once you help him get the track built, he will play on it off and on throughout the day, with and without you.  But until that track is built, nothing else in the world matters; no dirty diaper, no hungry tummy, no crying brother.  

Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

These two sweet boys make me the luckiest Mama!  I wouldn't trade them for the world!

Mike the Tiger

We had such fun times with family on Gammie's side and Papa's side;  However, some of the sweetest times were the unplanned moments around the house playing cars, reading books and checking out the bubble lawn mower that Gammie found!

I don't know who was more excited that Jackson was getting to meet Mike the Tiger, Bryan or Jackson?  Mike is such a beautiful animal and Jackson loved all the tiger memorabilia around the LSU campus.

A real LSU "Ball-ball" helmet!

At the end of the week, it was time to head back home.  Although, this is our first successful trip away from home where everyone slept at night, our busy schedule of social engagements and playing tourist had us all tuckered out by the end!

The next morning waking up at home!