Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Sunshine and Sea Breezes

We took our first 2019 warm weather trip to the beach a few weeks back and the boys has a blast! We did have to be careful of the many jellyfish that had washed ashore with the tide.  Jackson did great just looking with his eyes, but we did have to run down Judah a few times who was just so curious!  Luckily, no one got stung.  

This is the first time Judah has really been able to "play" in the sand and he is really starting to develop the coordination needed to use a shovel and bucket.  Jackson turned the sand into a giant construction site, of course.  

This ball was just light enough that it would catch the breeze and roll across the sand on it's own.  Judah chased it for a good hour up and down the beach!

Daddy buried Jackson in the sand


We were so impressed by an annual week-long art festival about 40 minutes from our house called ArtFields!  There are pop up galleries all over their cute downtown, abandoned spaces, shops and restaurants.  We had a blast exploring for hours, but we had a few family favorites! 

This sheep sculpture was made from thousands of spark plugs.

This particular mural took the cake for us!  Not only was it beautifully painted and detailed, but the artist had incorporated about 24 hidden pictures to find if you look closely enough.  Jackson had so much fun finding cars, animals and all sorts of fun details.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Strawberry Picking

One new fun springtime tradition we added this year was strawberry picking!  Jackson took his job really seriously and picked up on the task very quickly!  Judah, on the other hand, required a little more supervision.  He was very interested in climbing the strawberry mounds and when he attempted to pick strawberries, he selected either green or rotting strawberries.  Momma quickly learned to just hand him strawberries and he would put them in the bucket!  We made strawberry jam (for the first time), strawberry-lemon cake and set aside some for berry smoothies!!    


Easter was so fun this year! It was meaningful, relaxed and had just enough fun for our family. Jackson has been learning about the meaning of Easter  for the past few months and it is so neat to see him beginning to grasp what Jesus did on the cross.  We can't wait for the promise of the cross to be embedded in his sweet little heart and for him to know Jesus as his savior.  

We went to a local botanical garden for their annual Easter egg event with some good family friends on Saturday.  Judah was even able to figure out that he was supposed to pick up the eggs and put them in his basket!  And Jackson's whole world was completely transformed when he realized the eggs had candy in them! 

Yep! Those are our boys...stuffing their faces with popcorn.  So much for a group photo!

Diggin' for Dino eggs

After Church on Sunday, we had a lovely dinner and egg hunt with our good friends!  The boys especially loved climbing their tree.