Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jackson's First Car Show

Every Labor Day Weekend NASCAR comes to the Darlington Raceway for the big race!  The whole weekend is full of parades and festivals.  NASCAR isn't a huge appeal to Bryan or me, but since Jackson is slightly obsessed with race cars, we took him to the opening car haul event at the start of the parade route.  Most of the cars were in waiting in the huge rigs, but he was able to touch a few cars and even sit inside two of them.     

Another huge hit at the event, were the Budweiser Clydesdale horses.  They were huge and very beautiful!  Jackson kept saying, "Me touch horsies.  Me ride horsies."  Sadly, while they are "at work," no one is allowed to touch them.  He was still very enthralled with watching them get saddled and hitched to the iconic wagon, along with their mascot dalmatian pup.  

A few extra pictures from the week:

"Playing on God's Team" at church

Friday, August 17, 2018

Judah - 6 months

Out little Judah-Gouda is just growing into such a special little man!  He has changed so much in the past few weeks - He has transformed from a somewhat fussy baby into a happy, busy, active little tyke.  He is really starting to show his personality and really interact with everyone he meets.  His reach is like Stretch Armstrong, so watch your stuff, and he is active, active, active. He is sleeping better at night and taking longer naps.  We start sleep training next week.   

He has become a voracious eater and loves almost everything he has tried; cereal with banana or peaches, peas, sweet potatoes, pears and apples.  He chews on everything, but still hasn't broken through any teeth.  This has been a huge point of discussion for Jackson.  He doesn't understand why Judah is always "nom-noming" on his fingers and gets to put toys in his mouth when we don't allow him to do the same.  We have tried to explain how teeth change everything and how we want to take care of our teeth and our toys, but it is still a battle everyday.  The boys are doing much better playing together and sharing toys, but we still have to keep a close eye at times because Jackson doesn't understand that he can hurt his brother if he plays too rough.       

Grandma and Grandpa go to the Beach

Grandma and Grandpa had quite the adventure to get to our house, but we were so happy and thankful to see them!  Not only did the boys get great time to make memories with them, but Bryan and I were able to get away for a few days, just the two of us!!  

Jackson is now super obsessed with airplanes and helicopters (thanks Grandpa and his ipad).  He tells me everyday how helicopters and airplanes take off, explains how helicopters have fans that go around and around, and is constantly on guard to hear and see anything in the sky.  Jackson really bonded with Grandpa while Grandma was often tied up with Judah snuggles.  Not to mention, he got two more sets of hot wheels - cars AND trucks!!!  

Daddy and Mommy got to spend a few days at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia, hiking and jet skiing.  We love our two precious boys, but it was sure refreshing to get away for a bit.

When we got back from our trip, we had one last adventure going to the beach!  We had a great time playing in the sand and surf!