Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Best Buds

Jackson and Boosie play together a few times a day where Jackson will start climbing all over Boosie, and Boosie will just start licking Jackson everywhere. They both equally think this is a great game.  Boosie loves the attention and Jackson will start laughing so hard.  Although we don't worry about Boosie getting aggressive with Jackson, sometimes he can move quickly and doesn't realize that Jackson is still pretty fragile.  So, we stay close by to monitor the situation.  They sure are best buds!

Here is the after effect...Jackson's hair sports a tussled look with a new slobbery hair gel and is covered in dog fur, but happy as a lark!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Saturday Morning Fun

The weather is finally starting to cool off.  Don't get me wrong, it's still very warm, but it's bearable to be outside.  This morning we were able to enjoy watching Daddy play some tennis and take a whirl on the swings.  Jackson always loves being outside, but when it involves balls, pretzels and his Daddy, he is in heaven!

After watching a set of tennis, we took to the swings for some more fun!

Our handsome little love!

Friday, September 22, 2017

And it's a...

I wonder if you can pick out the one picture that confirms it all?  
Yep!  Definitely a boy!!


Out of nowhere this past weekend, Jackson wanted to watch football with Daddy.  He calls it "Ball-ball" but at least he understands the concept of two syllable words.  He's pretty good at recognizing football vs. all other television.  He would proceed to point at the tv after each commercial break and announce loudly, "Ball-ball." Then we stopped at the butcher shop on Monday to pick up some burgers to grill and they had a little tv on the wall with an old game playing and he pointed and said, "Ball-ball."  

The expression of a 1-year old when the opening credits of Paw Patrol start playing.  Every time the TV gets turned on, he turns to us and asks, "Go-go?" - aka his way of asking if he can watch Paw Patrol.  He must call it "Go-Go" because when the pups leave headquarters to save the day, the song sings, "Go, go, go, go..." Once a day (at most) is all he gets, though!

Jackson is doing very well with having to share toys and Mommy's attention a few days a week!  He is becoming more and more fascinated with his new friend, but once he's had enough, he's had enough and he just wants Momma to hold him.   Most of the time he is too busy to stay in one place and play for long (She pretty much sits in one place and doesn't move), but I stepped out to throw away a diaper and came back to them playing so cute together!

In an attempt to make sure Jackson gets enough high-calorie foods and he drinks some milk, him and I often share chocolate-banana smoothies for an afternoon snack.  He loves them and will drink as much as I'll give him!  

He thinks the vacuum cleaner is just another convenient walker that he can push in any direction without it getting stuck because the wheels swivel 360*.  

Monday, September 11, 2017

Mommy's Little Helper

We definitely have a little mover and a shaker on our hands.  Unless Jackson is eating, sleeping or watching PawPatrol, he is on the move and getting into all sorts of fun things!!  Sometimes it gets frustrating, but then I remember that everything he does is out of curiosity or the desire to help me out.  For example, he likes to hand me laundry from the basket to fold, but sometimes he mistakes the already folded and neatly stacked laundry for items that need mommy's attention again.  I also seem to never get to use the restroom by myself these days and Jackson sees it as his responsibility to hand me the toilet brush or little, itty-bitty pieces of toilet paper.  He will follow me around as I vacuum and turn on and off the motor as he sees fit.  And my favorite from last week; he decided to help me refill his humidifier by pulling it off his bedside table and spilling several quarts of water everywhere! I hardly could be mad when I had just told him that we needed to add some more water before we turned it on!  Such a good helper!!  Right!?!    

Here are a few quick snapshots of Jackson helping Mommy make lunch after church on Sunday. 

We alternate football gear on Saturdays.  This weekend, it was purple and gold for the LSU Tigers! Geaux Tigers!!  Don't be alarmed by his bandaged leg...he just has a small scratch on his ankle that he will pick and scratch at unless we wrap it with the ace bandage.  Socks don't work and band-aids don't work; therefore, we just get funny looks from people who think our 1-year old broke his leg1

In this picture, Daddy and Jackson are watching PawPatrol.  Jackson will hand us the tv remote and when you ask him if he wants to watch PawPatrol, he will give you the biggest smile and adamant "da."  He also chimes in and chants "Go, Go, Go, Go" when the pups gets transformed into their superdog outfits to help save the day.  Then he claps when whoever needs saving gets rescued and the dogs save the day.  He also gets more and more vocal with everything he sees on the show...usually involving an animal.  

And lastly, here is a video of a few of Jackson's new favorite things to do with Daddy, to make silly noises and faces.  The first is his famous elephant sound and the second is a generational silly face that has been passed down by the Alford men!
